A financial plan is essential to any new restaurant venture. Your odds of succeeding are greatly increased when you articulate your idea with hard numbers. It is a map to your success. It is the document that your lenders and investors will demand to see.
This is the set of linked Excel spreadsheets that are used to generate the restaurant modeling reports. They were created while building a business plan for a medium-size full-service operation. During the construction we consulted with National Restaurant Association, accounting firms and tax attorneys. These reports have been used successfully in many business plans and have been scrutinized by bankers and venture capitalists as well as private investors.
This package has been completely updated and expanded. It now includes more features and printable reports! It also comes with a Sample Outline that provides inputs and instructions for each section.
Below is a list of forms available in the basic package. Since you have access to the formulas, these forms can be infinitely customized to fit your project. New forms can be added, existing forms can be modified, even whole new workbooks can be easily incorporated. Other forms can be developed and added as needed.
Spreadsheet Report Index:
Master Checklist
Company Information & Fact Sheet
Sources of Capital & Debt Service
Use of Funding & Start-up Costs
Menu and Average Check Calculation
Menu and Average Check Calculation (Lunch)
Menu and Average Check Calculation (Dinner)
Gross Sales Calculation
Payroll Calculation
Income Statement (showing industry average expenses)
Income Statement (from client input)
Income Statement (five years)
Ramp up Cash Flow Statement (12 month)
Detail of Expenses Worksheets
Break-Even Analysis & Scenario Worksheet
Amortization and Depreciation Schedule
Balance Sheet
Loan Amortization Schedules (five year) Chart Comparison of Income Statements
This set of charts, calculations, and statements generated from Microsoft Excel and designed to give you a detailed view of the present financial needs and potential performance of a typical single restaurant operation.
It is sold as a Windows based MS Excel macro enabled workbook (.xlsm).
It is based on input from you (assumptions about sales volume, pricing, payroll, etc.), and checked against industry averages for accuracy. Starting with the individual menu item, we end up with a full set of financial statements and powerful data reports for analysis and decision making. It is then easy to manipulate the key assumptions to create new scenarios that may be more realistic or produce better results. With this option you can quickly decide;
- If the start-up budget is adequate.
- About tax planning and corporate structure.
- Whether occupation costs are in line.
- If payroll is too high - and where.
- If debt service is too high.
- What kind of return you can realistically expect and offer to investors.
- And much, much more.
This package is also very flexible. New scenarios can be created quickly and inexpensively as circumstances change. Projections for up to five years can be easily calculated.