Restaurant Operations & Management Spreadsheet Library (20)
How to Turn Your Good Restaurant into a Great Business

by Jim Laube
People who open their own restaurant typically
possess an abundance of highly desirable traits and skills. Almost without
exception these entrepreneurs are optimistic, self-starters, risk-takers,
incredibly hard workers, creative, and action-oriented. Entrepreneurial
restaurateurs often joke that they are "chief, cook, and bottle washer." In
other words, they do it all.
Even though restaurant owners consistently
display these characteristics, it's no secret that many new restaurateurs find
themselves faced with moderate and even severe challenges in turning their
restaurants into successful businesses. Simply put, the problem is that they
need to focus more on their role as "chief" and less on being cook and bottle
As the song goes, letting go is hard to do.
However, when you get caught up in the day-to-day operations you can lose sight
of the strategic effectiveness of marketing, finance, and operations, which
ultimately influence profitability. In this article, we'll discuss how to
"promote" yourself to chief executive officer (CEO) of your restaurant. In
short, you'll see how to keep your eye on the big picture and create a system
that will ensure your restaurant operates the way you want it to, without your
having to attend to each and every detail.
As you might expect, the perks are significant.
As CEO, you'll be better able to make the key decisions that will build sales,
create efficiency, and leverage resources optimally. As a fat bonus, you will
be better positioned to expand your operation to a second or third unit, or
even franchise your concept.
Knowing How to 'Run a
Restaurant' Isn't Enough
Many people who open a restaurant don't fully
understand the role they should play as an owner. They're convinced that
managing or performing the operational functions in a restaurant is all that's
needed to create a profitable operation. Take the chef who opens a bistro or
the restaurant manager who raises some capital and creates his own concept.
They're confident that because they know how to "run a restaurant" they know
how to build a successful business. This couldn't be farther from the truth and
is the fatal assumption behind the failure or lack of success in many
independent restaurant ventures. One of the problems of being a restaurant
owner and knowing how to run a restaurant is that you end up constantly
"running the restaurant." And if the owner spends all his time running the
restaurant, he often overlooks or doesn't pay adequate time and attention to
those things necessary to manage other equally important aspects of the
The more a restaurant depends on the owner's day
in, day out involvement in the operational details of the restaurant, the
greater the risk of failure. When the owner is unable to detach himself from
the daily activities of running the restaurant, he is usually unable to do
those things necessary to move the business forward.
Two Big Lessons From Ray
Kroc, Founder of McDonald's
You may wonder what an independent restaurant
operator could possibly learn from the man who created the McDonald's empire.
What could you possibly have in common with a major corporation that serves
millions of customers a day in more than 30,000 restaurants worldwide?
From an organizational standpoint, you may not
have a lot in common with McDonald's, however, Ray Kroc's ingenious approach
and guiding principles are not only relevant but provide gems of wisdom every
restaurant owner should know and apply. His leadership and business sense
helped make McDonald's the largest restaurant chain of all time and made more
people (his franchisees) into millionaires than possibly any other one
organization in history. Just how Ray Kroc was able to build such a massive and
extremely profitable business operation in a relatively short time span
certainly deserves our attention.
First, work 'on' the
When Ray Kroc secured the master franchising rights to McDonald's
back in the mid-1950s, he didn't go to work "in" the restaurant. He went to
work "on" the business. To Kroc, the first McDonald's restaurant was a model or
prototype that could be reproduced again and again in cities and towns all over
the country.
Instead of personally rolling up his sleeves and
running that first McDonald's, he began the process of analyzing every
operational function of that restaurant from purchasing to prep to cooking and
cleaning and so on. Without changing the essence of the concept, he made
refinements and proceeded to develop a comprehensive set of standards and
procedures, a system, if you will, for running a hamburger stand "the
McDonald's way."
After Kroc had completed his first objective of
building a complete "set of instructions" for operating a McDonald's
restaurant, he then moved on to the next phase of his plan. He was now able to
show others - in this case, franchisees - exactly how to run a McDonald's
restaurant in a systematic and proven way that virtually ensured their success.
He understood that he wasn't just selling
burgers and fries. In fact, his main product was the business, a McDonald's
franchise. His primary customers were not the people who bought the burgers,
but the people who would pay for the right to own and operate a McDonald's
restaurant (the franchisees). To convince people looking for business
opportunities to choose a McDonald's over another franchise or any another
business for that matter, he had to make it the best business opportunity
available. His competition wasn't other restaurants, but other business
Kroc went to work on McDonald's to make it the
business opportunity of choice. He refined it to the point that it would
operate in a consistent, predictable manner, the same way time after time with
a staff made up largely of teenagers.
Second, the 'system' is the
To have any chance of realizing his vision of a company with
hundreds and even thousands of hamburger joints, Kroc knew every restaurant had
to be operated in exactly the same manner. He required every new franchisee to
attend the corporation's Hamburger University to learn the McDonald's "system"
or way of doing business regardless of their experience. Upon graduation, each
franchisee knew precisely how to operate a McDonald's restaurant. They were
told to operate their restaurants "exactly" this way because "it worked." If a
franchisee deviated from the system in any way they risked losing their
franchise. Kroc believed "the system" was the key to creating a successful
Another reason to have a system is that it's the
only way to get extraordinary results out of ordinary people. Restaurants can't
afford and really don't need extraordinary people but they do need an excellent
system. You want ordinary people and get excellent results by having a very
good system.
Why do more than 40 million people go to
McDonald's every day? They do not go there to get the finest cuisine. No, they
seek consistency and predictability. They know precisely what they're going to
get regardless of what particular McDonald's restaurant they visit. You can
only create consistency and predictability, the two most important factors in
any business, with a good system.
This systems approach to operating a business
does not apply solely to franchised companies. A systems approach works
anywhere and you've got to have a systems approach to operate a successful
restaurant because there are just so many variables and functions that need to
be executed the same way, every time, with every guest. Without a system, it's
nearly impossible for employees to create a consistent and predictable
experience for your guests over and over again.
With a system, a restaurant becomes a valuable
asset in itself because it has the ability to produce consistent results and do
this with or without the constant, direct involvement of the owner. By the way,
when was the last time you saw the owner of a McDonald's franchise working in
the restaurant?
By contrast, many independent restaurant owners
never stop working "in" their restaurant. They start out being the primary
go-to person in the restaurant during the opening, which, of course, is
understandable and necessary, but if they stay in this role for months and even
years after a reasonable startup period, the business (and the owner) suffers.
When the owner continues to be intimately
involved in the day-to-day operations of the restaurant, in a way they can't
also function as an owner. They are closer to being another employee. Sure, the
owner is the boss and their name is on the lease and the bank loan, but beyond
that, they are working in the restaurant in much the same way an employee or a
manager would.
It's important that restaurant operators
recognize the implications of the way they approach their business and how they
see their role in it. If they're spending most of their time and energy running
the restaurant, chances are good that their business isn't achieving its
potential for success and they don't have much of a life outside of the
restaurant either. The reason many restaurants have problems is that the owner
is not focused on those functions and activities that an owner needs to be
doing to move the business forward.
How Would You Build 500 More
Imagine that billionaire investor Warren Buffet
visits your restaurant and is just blown away by the concept you've created. He
likes it so much he wants to form a joint venture and provide you with the
capital to build 500 more restaurants just like your first.
So, you're now faced with the prospect of
opening 500 more restaurants. Do you think you'd start to do anything a little
differently in your restaurant beginning tomorrow? It should become very
evident that you could no longer run your restaurant the same way you're doing
it now. You could no longer operate the restaurant in a way that requires you
to be there all the time doing the work.
You'd realize, just like Ray Kroc did, that your
focus needs to be on building a system capable of producing consistent,
predictable, high-quality results nearly every single time "without you." The
more your restaurant depends on your being there every day, the greater the
chances that your restaurant will not reach its full potential for success.
Your restaurant has just got to be able to operate without your constant
involvement, and developing a system will help you get there.
Operating a Restaurant From
a CEO's Perspective
Every restaurant has three major areas that must
function well to achieve its potential for success.
- Operations. Operations include all those
functions that are necessary to prepare and serve your products to your
customers. It includes all those activities that take place every day in
the kitchen, dining room and bar.
- Financial. Financial functions deals with
safeguarding cash, accounting, cash management, cost control as well as
operational and financial reporting.
- Marketing. Marketing is getting the word out
about the restaurant and positioning it correctly in the minds of the
public. It includes public relations, community involvement, advertising,
promotions and projecting the right image.
Now, think about how successful your restaurant
could be if you regularly gave competent attention to each of these three
areas. Imagine that operations was capable of consistently providing products
and service in a manner that meets your high standards. Imagine that your
financial, accounting and reporting functions were organized and efficient, and
provided you with timely information so that you knew exactly how the operation
was doing and how your marketing efforts were paying off. Imagine that your
marketing received the attention it deserves with the result being
well-conceived and well-executed promotional activities, events and
communicating to your database of regular customers.
Do you think your restaurant would be more
successful if you had that level of organization and attention in each of these
three areas of your business? Sure. Well, what's the problem?
The problem in most independent restaurants is
that the only one around to set up, organize or perform those functions is who?
You guessed it, the owner. And the owner is already working 70 hours a week or
more running the restaurant. Most independent operators are to some degree
buried in operations, doing whatever it takes to make it through the day. So
what happens to the systems that we need in operations and the financial
information to know where we stand and the planning for our next promotion?
Unfortunately, it often doesn't get done, or at least those areas don't get the
attention they need and deserve for the business to thrive.
Advantages of Developing
Your System
Although developing a system or operations
manual is not a simple or quick task, it's next to impossible to create and
maintain a successful restaurant without one. Operators who take the time and
the effort to involve their staff and consciously determine how they want their
restaurant to operate can enjoy some huge advantages over those who don't.
A system will:
- Help you get out of the (unprofitable) startup phase more
quickly after opening. Getting a system of checklists,
forms and procedures developed quickly reduces the usual disorganization
and confusion during the startup of any restaurant.
- Increase the odds you'll attract and keep quality
employees. Good
people want to work for good companies that are organized and serious
about what they do. This means a systematic way to recruit, interview and
select employees and supporting new workers with job descriptions,
training manuals and an employee policy handbook.
- Provide direction. A system communicates to your
staff the performance and the results you expect and it provides your
people with the information and training they need to be successful.
- Create consistency. A system makes it possible
for your employees to repeat a performance that creates a consistent
experience for your guests. Consistency is the key to creating a great
reputation and repeat customers.
- Give you a better chance to obtain capital to expand your
concept and enhance your ability to manage growth. Imagine a
single-unit restaurant company building another restaurant without having
a system in place in the original one first. Not only are their more
challenges in the new restaurant but now the owner is no longer there to
manage the original one. Growth without a system has led to the demise of
many very good single-unit restaurant companies.
- Enable your restaurant to function without you (the owner)
being there all the time. It will allow you to
separate yourself from the day-to-day details and allow you to take your
rightful place as owner.
- Enhance the value of your restaurant when you sell it. Businesses that
are owner-dependent are worth less than businesses that can function well
regardless of an owner's involvement. Prospective buyers always want to
know, "What's going to happen when the owner's gone?" Another valuable
benefit of documenting your system and operating procedures is that during
the process you'll have the opportunity to evaluate virtually every task
or activity that takes place in your restaurant. You'll learn that many
activities are happening not by design but because "that's the way we've
always done it." Many restaurants find opportunities to reduce errors,
eliminate duplication of effort, and increase productivity while they
develop their system.
Stay Focused On the Prize
If you begin this process with the same passion
and commitment you had when you started your restaurant you'll end up with a
better restaurant and a more valuable business. While the time and effort will
be significant, you'll be in a much better position to remove yourself from the
daily demands of operations and focus your energies on other important
functions that an owner needs to be doing.
By developing and documenting your unique
business system, you enhance your opportunities to take your business to the
next level or just enjoy more time outside of the restaurant; it's your choice.
And isn't that what owning your own business is really all about?