
Export Your Sysco SAM Order Guide (Sales Rep Ordering system)

You can easily import all your Sysco products, with current pricing, from a file created by your Sysco Sales Associate. The sales associate will create your order guide file using the Sysco Account Manager program (called "SAM") that he/she regularly uses to access your account information and place orders. This procedure can be repeated on a regular basis to update prices, and to add new products as they are included in your order guide.

NOTE: It is likely that your Sysco Sales Associate has never heard of EZchef software, but this is not a prerequisite for them to export your order guide as indicated below. Moreover, there is currently no formal sponsorship or affiliation between Sysco and Restaurant Resource Group (the developer of EZchef software).

1. Give your Sysco Sales Associate a call and tell them that you have a software program that can import the products in your "SAM" order guide.

2. Next, send the Sales Associate an email with the following detailed instructions (copy and paste into the body of the email message).

From the Sysco Marketing Associate's computer Desktop:

a. Select the SAM program icon

b. Enter your User Name and User Password and click Login

c. From the View window select All Customers

d. Select the Customer's name from the list

e. Select the F12 key twice in succession to view the customer's product list

f. Make sure that the window displayed below is set to "Order Guide - Order Profile by Category"

g. Then from the Menu Bar (top of the window) Select "Reports…Order Guide"

h. Select the "Print report with prices" box in the new window as shown below. Do not select the box that reads "Print report with history". The "Order By:" button should be set to "Category". Now select the View button

i. From the Report Viewer window go to the upper left corner of the screen and select the Export icon

j. From the Format window box select Separated Values (CSV)

k. From the Destination window box select Disk File

l. Click OK from the Separated Values Export Options window

m. From the Save In window, select the destination of the new Order Guide (e.g. Desktop), and rename the file from box at the bottom of the screen (e.g. Restaurant Name order guide). Click the Save button

n. From your email program "attach" the new file and send to your customer.

3. When you receive the *.csv file (most likely by email), save it in an EZchefsoftware folder (create one if do not have one already). The folder in the example below is named "EZchefsoftware Files", and is located on my computer Desktop. Keep copies of your Sysco Order Guides and EZchefsoftware files in this folder for ease of access.

Note: You can change the file name to make it more recognizable prior to saving as I did in the example above. Also note that the file type (bottom of window) should be "CSV (Comma delimited)". The "csv" file is a simple and uniform format that can be read by most spreadsheet applications. That is why Sysco has used it as it's default export file type. Most importantly, it is the file format that EZchef software uses to Import your order guide.

4. Finally it's time to import the Order Guide data into EZchef software. Open the EZchef file, and select the "Import Inventory....From Distributor" icon in the lower right corner of the screen.

5. Now Select the "Import Sysco Order Guide" button

6. From the "Choose File to Import" window, locate and select the SAM Order Guide file . Highlight that file in the window, and then click "Open"

7. The Order Guide file will be automatically imported into EZchef software, and you can watch the process as a blue bar moves from left to right across the screen.

8. When the inventory data from your order guide has been imported you will observe a message box that indicates the import is now complete. Click "OK". Repeat this process as frequently as you like to update prices, and to include new Inventory items as they are added to your Order Guide.